Zihang Diao

Hello. I’m Zihang and I was born in the northern China 24 years ago. I’m an Industrial Designer, soccer fan, and I’m also a cat person.

During the years that I studied Design at my undergraduate university, I learned various design software programs that allowed me to build cool models, however I feel the crucial part of being a designer is our thinking and creative problem solving skills. Designers who are only good at mastering software yet lack these other skills can only have a limited impact on addressing the real problems we face in this world.

Besides, Design is a subject that is perfectly suited to expand our horizons and constantly challenge our preconceptions.  Therefore it has been very helpful to study abroad and to think outside the box by experiencing life by living within a different culture.

My project is a Senior Living Community that makes use of standard shipping containers to create a community for modular living.

They can be arranged in a number of configurations, and if necessary they can be moved on a conveyor belt to be docked into the patient wing of a local hospital.

Within the community, the first floor allows residents to purchase daily necessities without having to leave their immediate environment. Given the demands of the current pandemic, this would provide an effective way to address the need to practice social distancing. I believe by combining public space on the first floor with individual living spaces on the second floor, residents will find that this community offers an ideal solution to their daily needs.

“Transpods” Senior Mobile Living Community Design

See more about Transpods