Luying Wang

I’m Luying Wang, a chinese designer based here in Syracuse, NY. I specialize in graphic design, branding and packaging.

I grew up in a family of designers and I’ve studied painting and drawing for over 20 years. I earned my undergraduate degree in advertising design at Sichuan Agricultural University in China. I am currently pursuing my MFA in Design here at Syracuse University.

Given my cultural background and the fact that I’m studying in the United States, my design influences are centered in the collision of two cultures. I’m obsessed with details and usually make repeated modifications refine and resolve minor elements. This allows me to integrate the exquisite details of traditional Chinese culture and the innovative spirit of the United States.

Developing a Design Intervention for Academic Procrastination

For my thesis project, I’ve designed a product to solve college students’ academic procrastination problem and improve their work / life experiences. Based on my research, a good way to solve it problem is to place greater emphasis on time management. In this age of technology, by combining students love of interacting with electronic products with their lack of time management, I’ve created a flexible electronic post-it note called “dNote” to help students plan their day.

Function Interface Design

Product interface1
Notes & Checklist
Product interface 2
Product interface 3
Product interface1





dNote Introduction