Tianyou Hui

Born in Jiangsu, China, Tianyou developed a strong interest in design and painting since early childhood. In 2012, he attend summer college at Cornell University and took a class in ‘Human-Environment Relations’. For this class, the professor gave interesting assignments such as identifying designs that were challenging to individuals with disabilities as well as improving the layout of a street in downtown Ithaca. This class finally motivated Tianyou to study design in at the undergraduate level.

Fortunately, Tianyou received a good grade on my college entrance examination. He then chose to study Industrial Design in Shanghai Jiaotong University which is one of the best Universities in China. There he studied various methods and techniques in design and had the opportunity to join-in on various collaborative design projects.

After graduation, Tianyou wanted to continue to learn about design and was then accepted into Syracuse University for further study. During his two-years of study, he has participated in numerous individual and team-based projects. He has also improved his research, model-making, web design, teamwork skills. After graduation from SU, Tianyou will continue to design and strive to become a better designer.

Tranquil — A public oasis designed to reduce daily anxiety

Nowadays, dealing with daily anxiety has become a huge problem for many people. A large number of people all around the world have had a serious problem with anxiety at some time in their life.

Based on my research, I found that relaxing within an immersive environment could help reduce anxiety. The beauty and restorative influence of nature can also serve to further reduce stress.

Therefore, I’ve created ‘Tranquil’ as a stress-reducing oasis within our pubic spaces. It is a product combined with an application to provide people an immersive environment, showing them videos of nature to help reduce their anxiety.

Product Demo

Product demo