Title: Body Motion Tracking in Extreme Sports Athletes
Product Name: XTRACK
Topic/Problem Description: Currently in the extreme sports industry, there are thousands of people that get injured every year. This puts these athletes out of commission for weeks and months at a time, which significantly slows down their progression in the sport and places extra caution on the intensity that they can train. To address this issue, I am interviewing athletes directly to learn about their experiences in training. Risking injuries and going into dangerous situations is part of being an extreme sports athlete. With this in mind, how can we track extreme sports athletes’ body movements to prevent risk of injury?
Solution: Freestyle skiers and snowboarders are constantly at risk of injury while performing tricks on the mountain. The ability to track their body movements and provide them feedback after a trick attempt would give them the opportunity to reduce their risk of injury. This can be achieved by utilizing a wearable sensor system and a visual feedback device. XTRACK is a visual feedback system which allows athletes to review 3D animations of their trick attempts in real time. A future version of the product could be combined with an augmented reality headset which has the potential to expand upon the feedback available for the user.