Alastair de Papp

Project title: HELOS- Smart Soccer Cleat

Product name: HELOS

Topic/Product Description:

Motion tracking technology has become increasingly important in the world of sports, as it can provide valuable insights into an athlete’s performance and help coaches make informed decisions. However, there is a need to integrate this technology directly into the currently used equipment in order to ensure accuracy and reliability. Products like smart watches or anything attached to your extremities cannot be used in official play for professional and recreational players, which limits their usefulness in a competitive context. Moreover, current products can be relatively expensive and energy intensive, making them inaccessible for some teams or individuals. 


My final concept would utilize a piezo technology to power a 3 axis accelerometer plus 3 axis gyroscope. As well as a GPS and transmitter. My goal is to find a solution to prolonged battery life within motion tracking devices. The amateur soccer player who can range in skill level from casual to highly competitive in organized matches is my primary target audience. Creating a motion tracking device that mimics data similar to what a standard iphone can record is ideal for my application. Introducing piezoelectricity and data tracking hardware would allow these metrics to be recorded without having to worry about charging the device in time for last minute pick up games or practices. Survey takers indicated statistics like acceleration, pace, distance covered, elapsed time, elevation change, and a heat map (a representation of gps data in the form of a map or diagram in which data values are represented as varying colors) have high value.