Accessible & Affordable STD Rapid Testing

Product Name: NOU

Preface: As humans, our ability to detect illness and cure it has progressed so much in the past 100 years, we now detect irregularities in heartbeats and sugar levels just by strapping a smartwatch on our hand (Neithercott, 2015). Our ability to live longer has increased, but that does not necessarily mean that a long life is healthy. The accessibility to a decent and healthy lifestyle has only been increasing. However, globally one in three adults suffer multiple chronic illnesses. The leading cause of death has shifted significantly in the past 100 years, from infectious diseases in the 20th century to chronic illness in the 21st century. (Bodai et al., 2017). As a result, three out of five deaths globally are caused by four major chronic illnesses; cardiovascular disease, cancer, chronic lung disease, and Diabetes (Hajat & Stein, 2018). Early detection of symptoms and adopting healthy lifestyle recommendations can avoid more than 80% of chronic conditions. Nevertheless, the existing healthcare system and consumer-grade medical technologies are more focused on reactive care for chronic diseases than preventive care. This results in minimal information from health care practitioners and health care providers on implementing an effective, long-term plan to achieve health through our daily life; instead of the hospital 

The Problem:

The CDC estimates that there are around 20 million cases of STDs each year.  Many of which will greatly impact marginalized communities.

According to the CDC, Black and Brown women experience the highest burden of STDs and STIs. 

In 2018, African American women report cases of chlamydia at 5 times the rate of their White counterparts. But African American women are not alone.

Black and Brown men also experience disparities in the area. In a 2011 study, Black men reported Gonorrhea at 30 times, Syphilis & Chlamydia at 11 times  the rate of their white counterparts. 

Because the long term health effects of STDs are more severe in women than in men. Heterosexual men are often the forgotten group when it comes to safe sex interventions.

With inaccessible healthcare coupled with social stigma and historical trauma, these barriers can make it hard for communities of color to stay sexually healthy. 

Thesis Statement: if we can provide effective sexual and reproductive health interventions for Black men, would the overall sexual and reproductive health of the Black community improve? 

NOU: We asked ourselves if we can create a design that would enable marginalized communities to access STD testing.

That’s why we created “Nou”, a rapid urinalysis STD test that you can take in the comfort of your own home. Simply collect your urine sample testing strip, get your results in minutes, and receive access to same day treatment. Nou is easy, affordable, and secure.

No ones got you like Nou.

Product system: NOU is a part product system 

Step 1: Purchase the STD Rap Test and read the instructions on the packaging

Step 2: Take the absorbent strip out and collect urine samples. Next, receive STD results in 10mins.

Step 3: If positive for any STDs, scan a QR code and access same day treatment.


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