VPA Film Program, Faculty, Students Acknowledged for Success of Assessment

The College of Visual and Performing Arts’ film program and Assessment Leadership Institute participants were recently recognized by the Academic Affairs and Institutional Effectiveness (IE).  

The film program in the Department of Film and Media Arts received the Best Use of Results award from the IE during the One University Assessment Celebration on April 26. The award recognizes an academic area for effectively using assessment results in decision-making.  

Led by Professor Alex Méndez Giner, the assessment of the program included the growth of essential learning outcomes, curriculum mapping, and rubrics to measure student achievement. 

A commitment to academic assessment and data guided successful curricular modifications, such as the integration of film production education into the first-year semester through the transformation of two introduction courses.  

Following the presentation of awards, 2023 Assessment Leadership Institute participants were commended for their poster presentations on assessment activities over the past year. 

Kathleen Roland-Silverstein, associate professor, presenting with Isabel Hampton ’24 and Katie Weber ’24, elucidated the assessment and aspirations of the Setnor School of Music M.M. voice pedagogy program.   

Jody Nyboer, associate professor, offered an analysis of assessment cogency in the School of Design’s environmental and interior design program.  

For more information about the One University Assessment Celebration, visit the IE website.