Sylvia Sierra

Department of Communication and Rhetorical Studies

Associate Professor
Affiliated Professor, Linguistic Studies

Sylvia Sierra

115 Sims Hall
Syracuse, NY 13244-1230


Sylvia Sierra studies how people use language in social interactions, both in face-to-face settings and in online contexts. Her specific interest is in how people create identities and form relationships in their everyday conversations. Her research interests therefore include identity, authenticity, epistemics (knowledge management), intertextuality (repetition of and reference to prior 'texts'), popular culture/media, social media, and embodied interaction. She researches interactions that occur in North American English and Mexican Spanish.

Sylvia Sierra’s Curriculum Vitae [PDF].


  • Ph.D., Georgetown University


Discourse analysis, identity construction, intertextuality, media, everyday conversation and epistemics

Courses Taught

  • CRS 384: Discourse and Society
  • CRS 430: Intercultural Communication
  • CRS 601: Language, Interaction, & Culture

Selected Publications