Rebecca Ruige Xu

Department of Film and Media Arts

Professor, Computer Art and Animation

Rebecca Xu

014 Shaffer Art Building
Syracuse, NY 13244-1210


Rebecca Ruige Xu’s artwork and research interests include experimental animation, visual music, artistic data visualization, interactive installations, digital performance, and virtual reality.

Her recent work has been showcased in Ars Electronica; SIGGRAPH & SIGGRAPH Asia Art Gallery; ISEA; IEEE VIS Arts Program; Museum of Contemporary Art, Italy; Los Angeles Center for Digital Art, USA; Colloquium culture and digitization, Switzerland; CYNETart, Germany; FILE – Electronic Language International Festival, Brazil; Techfest -Technical Arts Exhibition, India; International Digital Art Exhibition, China and Boston Cyberarts Festival. Her animation has been screened internationally in Aesthetica Short Film Festival, UK; Athens Animfest, Greece; Phenicien International Film Festival, France; Magmart International Videoart Festival, Italy; Kansas International Film Festival and New York Animation Film Awards.

Xu has worked professionally in the fields of computer animation, visual effects, digital imaging, web design and user interface design in China and the United States.


  • M.F.A., Syracuse University
  • B.S., Beijing Institute of Technology