Eric A. Gustafson, a former instructor of viola in the College of Visual and Performing Arts’ (VPA) Rose, Jules R. and Stanford S. Setnor School of Music, passed away on Wednesday, Nov. 11, in Jamesville, N.Y. He was 72.
Gustafson taught at the Setnor School of Music from 2013 until his retirement in May 2020. In addition to teaching at the Setnor School and Hamilton College, he was principal violist of Symphoria and the Syracuse Symphony, as well as other orchestras in the Northeast. He graduated from Juilliard and did graduate work at SUNY Binghamton in the young artists program. In addition to performing, Gustafson wrote many compositions. Some of these were performed by the Society for New Music, and he produced a CD, “Celestial Railroad,” under the pseudonym of Artemis Trine.
A memorial service is planned for the spring. Contributions may be made to the World Wildlife Fund, 1250 24th Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20037.