Diane Grimes

Department of Communication and Rhetorical Studies

Associate Professor

Diane Grimes

101 Sims Hall
Syracuse, NY 13244-1230


Trained in critical organizational communication, Diane Grimes is interested in difference and mindfulness and their intersections. One common thread is a consideration of problematic assumptions in everyday life—how they get recreated, how to become more aware of them, and how to work with them in more useful ways.

Grimes explores the influence of organizational and popular culture on unexamined assumptions about race and whiteness in the 2023 book "Through the Lens of Whiteness: Challenging Racialized Imagery in Pop Culture." A recent chapter in "The Routledge Handbook of Ethnicity and Race in Communication" called “Race and Organizational Communication: Tired of Saying it” considers longstanding assumptions about race in the organizational disciplines.

Grimes has also published in Management Communication Quarterly, TAMARA: The Journal of Critical Postmodern Organization Science, Social Politics and The Journal of Business Communication, among others.

She is the director of Syracuse’s Contemplative Collaborative and lead editor on a book on contemplative research methods. She is an affiliated faculty member in the Department of Writing Studies, Rhetoric, and Composition and the Department of Women’s and Gender Studies.

View a full list of Grimes’ published work, some of which is available for download, at syr.academia.edu/DianeGrimes

Diane Grimes’ Curriculum Vitae [PDF].


  • Ph.D., Purdue University


Mindful communication, critical organizational communication, managing diversity, race and gender in organizations

Courses Taught

  • CRS 181 Concepts and Perspectives in Communication Studies
  • CRS 336 Communication and Organizational Diversity
  • CRS 338 Communication in Organizations
  • CRS 347 Mindful Communication Skills
  • CRS 400 Critical Organizational Communication
  • CRS 414/WSP 414 Communication and Gender
  • CRS 439 Critical Whiteness Studies
  • CRS 447 Mindful Communication Theory
  • CRS 538 Advances in Organizational Com                             
  • CRS 604 Qualitative Research Methods                                 
  • CRS 605 Communication and Cosmopolitan Studies         
  • WSP 615/CRS 614 Gender, Power and Communication    

Selected Publications

  • Grimes, D. S & Cooney, L. (2023). Through the lens of whiteness: Challenging racialized imagery in pop culture. Skinner House.

  • Grimes, D. S. & Glenn, C. L. (2023). Race and organizational communication: Tired of saying it. In B. Calafell & S. Eguchi (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Ethnicity and Race in CommunicationRoutledge.

  • Hunter, S., Swan, E., & Grimes, D. (2010). Reproducing and Resisting Whiteness in Organizations, Policies, and Places. Social Politics, 17 (4), 407-422.

  • Grimes, D. S. & Richard, O. C. (2003). Could Communication Perspective Impact Organizations’ Experience with Diversity? The Journal of Business Communication, 40, 7-27.

  • Grimes, D.S. & Parker, P.S. (2009). Imagining organizational communication as a decolonizing project: In conversation with Broadfoot, Munshi, Mumby and Stohl. Management Communication Quarterly, 22(3), 502-511.

  • Parker, P.S. & Grimes, D.S. (2009) ‘Race” and management discourse. In (F. Bargiela-Chiappini, Ed.). The handbook of business discourse (pp.292-304). Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

  • Grimes, D. S. (2006). “Getting a bit of the Other”: Sexualized Stereotypes of Asian and Black Women in Planned Parenthood Advertising. In Reichert, T. & Lambaise, J. (Eds.) Sex in Consumer Culture: The Erotic Content of Media and Marketing (pp. 301-318). New York: Lawrence Erlbaum.

  • Grimes, D. S. (2002) “I Dream a World”: Re-imagining Change. The Journal of Critical Postmodern Organization Science 1 (4), 13-28.