Brad Beckman
Department of Drama
Instructor, Acting
Syracuse Stage/Department of Drama Theater Complex
820 East Genesee Street
Syracuse, NY 13210-1508
Brad Beckman is a playwright, director, actor, dramaturg and translator and has taught since 1993.
He was a member of Richard Schechner’s East Coast Artists and has worked with the Bond Street and Teleo Theatres as well as the Rude Mechs out of Austin and at venues throughout Europe, South America, and the US, including NYC. He is a National Michael Chekhov Association Certified Teacher of that Acting Technique. Association Certified Teacher of that Acting Technique.
- M.A., New York University
- B.S., University of Texas at Austin
Acting, play analysis
Courses Taught
Introduction to Acting for Non-Majors, Advanced Acting for Non-Majors, Play Analysis